Today in my Politics of China, Russia, and India class the professor asked us to predict when China would become a leader in both global economy and politics. Many people said between 10-25 years from now (2009) that China would become a economic giant, while the predictions for it becoming a political giant were between 20-70 years. A few people also argued that China would never become a political giant or leader because of their Communist system and the closed system it maintains currently.
This is a very interesting as well as scary prospective to us as Americans. We like to think that we will forever be the top dog in the global world, but as countries such as China continue to grow in power, this is becoming less and less true. In the last 10-20 years I feel like we are becoming less and less influential throughout the globe and while we still hold some power and influence it lessens every year. Having said this I do not believe that we will ever not be among the top nations/powers until our nation completely falls. We will just have to share our power and will have to learn to work with others.
In the next 10,20,30, or 40 years I don't think that one major power will emerge but there will be multiple groups of nations. We have already seen this in Europe the E.U, as well as emerging groups in Africa, South America, and Asia. So that many nations (within the group) not just one nation will hold the power. This seems like an impossible goal to accomplish especially with continents such as Africa which are so different economically, politically, and ethnically but I think that when other groups emerge it will put the necessary pressure on countries to unite themselves. This will probably make the world a more peaceful place but may also cause another cold war scenario among 5 different groups and not just two.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
The worst thing about prison was the... was the Dementors.
This is a great website if you need to look up a quote from the Office. Its very comprehensive.
Anyways, It has been a while since I last posted on here and this is my fault. I have not been busy at all. Besides working at Luther Colleges Cafeteria, I really don't have much else to do besides watch TV or a movie or hang out with friends. But I love the people I am working with. They are just fun and very nice people to be around. I have made a few new friends this summer. Although a few have just disappeared lately.
Okay one thing that has been bugging me lately, why cant people spell? I mean yes some words can be difficult to spell but for the most part if you are in college you should know how to spell the basics at least. On the internet you have no excuse because spell-checker is everywhere now-a-days (I'm using it right now to write this). Facebook Statuses, Bloggers, E-mail etc. now have spell-checkers. So why are people still misspelling words so frequently. Aren't you smart enough to use a program that will check your spelling for you??? I guess not.
There are about 2 weeks and a day left until I can go back home and I am excited as well as sad. I will miss the people I have met and might not see some of them again for a long time. On the other hand, it will be so nice to be home for most of August. I have missed my family a lot this summer and I miss working with kids. I am definitely going to work for Camp Minnehaha next year (if I don't get an internship again).
I have started to write a science fiction novel after watching I am Legend again for the fourth or fifth time last night. I have decided to use current events and mix them with the Sci-Fi elements that I have been exposed to during my lifetime. Its not a super serious project but I really want to prove to myself that I can write something for fun and not have it graded or anything. Well I think I am going to work on that a bit. Hopefully I'll post more here in the next few weeks.
Oh P.S. I'm going to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince tonight with Jenna and Gina! I'm pumped because I've heard it is very good.
Anyways, It has been a while since I last posted on here and this is my fault. I have not been busy at all. Besides working at Luther Colleges Cafeteria, I really don't have much else to do besides watch TV or a movie or hang out with friends. But I love the people I am working with. They are just fun and very nice people to be around. I have made a few new friends this summer. Although a few have just disappeared lately.
Okay one thing that has been bugging me lately, why cant people spell? I mean yes some words can be difficult to spell but for the most part if you are in college you should know how to spell the basics at least. On the internet you have no excuse because spell-checker is everywhere now-a-days (I'm using it right now to write this). Facebook Statuses, Bloggers, E-mail etc. now have spell-checkers. So why are people still misspelling words so frequently. Aren't you smart enough to use a program that will check your spelling for you??? I guess not.
There are about 2 weeks and a day left until I can go back home and I am excited as well as sad. I will miss the people I have met and might not see some of them again for a long time. On the other hand, it will be so nice to be home for most of August. I have missed my family a lot this summer and I miss working with kids. I am definitely going to work for Camp Minnehaha next year (if I don't get an internship again).
I have started to write a science fiction novel after watching I am Legend again for the fourth or fifth time last night. I have decided to use current events and mix them with the Sci-Fi elements that I have been exposed to during my lifetime. Its not a super serious project but I really want to prove to myself that I can write something for fun and not have it graded or anything. Well I think I am going to work on that a bit. Hopefully I'll post more here in the next few weeks.
Oh P.S. I'm going to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince tonight with Jenna and Gina! I'm pumped because I've heard it is very good.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Okay, well I am finally @ home, back in the STP. It has been a good time so far except that my life is literally falling apart at the moment. Or so it seems. I have been spacey and super unmotivated since Wednesday the 20th when I got home and my social/mental/physical well-being has suffered. This is mainly because I have needed to take Adderall and simply haven't. This will all change tomorrow hopefully, and my life will get back on track.
The good news is, that school is over, I have about 7-9 days left of being home before I return to Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, and I am over-eating. It has been a good break so far besides losing a few things and totally spacing out on a few things as well. But my friend isn't going to Japan anymore so I don't have to miss her, which will be nice but not nice for her. It's 1:26 in the morning...I really should be in bed...but I have lots on my mind.
Like this girl who I like said that she basically likes me back. The only problem she is currently going out with another guy. But she says we will start hanging out and see where it goes from there. Maybe something will start, maybe not. I will not get my hopes up however, as I have learned from previous experiences with the female gender. They can be quite crazy sometimes.
I forgot this one important fact NEW amazing thing, we have cable now. In our house. Including FSN. The channel that the Minnesota Twins play on. How sweet is that? and guess what, we didn't even pay any extra for it.
The good news is, that school is over, I have about 7-9 days left of being home before I return to Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, and I am over-eating. It has been a good break so far besides losing a few things and totally spacing out on a few things as well. But my friend isn't going to Japan anymore so I don't have to miss her, which will be nice but not nice for her. It's 1:26 in the morning...I really should be in bed...but I have lots on my mind.
Like this girl who I like said that she basically likes me back. The only problem she is currently going out with another guy. But she says we will start hanging out and see where it goes from there. Maybe something will start, maybe not. I will not get my hopes up however, as I have learned from previous experiences with the female gender. They can be quite crazy sometimes.
I forgot this one important fact NEW amazing thing, we have cable now. In our house. Including FSN. The channel that the Minnesota Twins play on. How sweet is that? and guess what, we didn't even pay any extra for it.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Well its finals time again, and everyone here is super busy. Today is the last day of classes but for me (as well as others) its not the end of homework, studying, or writing papers.
I have to write:
1. a 7-8 page paper for history thats due tomorrow
2. a 6 page Latin paper,
3. a 5-6 page paper for World of Saint Patrick
1. Chemistry = Saturday
2. Latin 302 - Exam 3 = TBD
So thats all I have left to do before my summer can officially start. Then I have two weeks at home until I return to Luther to work in the CAF this summer. It should be a fun time, but I am worried that I won't have enough to do. Well I better get going. I'll hopefully write more soon, when I get a chance.
I have to write:
1. a 7-8 page paper for history thats due tomorrow
2. a 6 page Latin paper,
3. a 5-6 page paper for World of Saint Patrick
1. Chemistry = Saturday
2. Latin 302 - Exam 3 = TBD
So thats all I have left to do before my summer can officially start. Then I have two weeks at home until I return to Luther to work in the CAF this summer. It should be a fun time, but I am worried that I won't have enough to do. Well I better get going. I'll hopefully write more soon, when I get a chance.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
An update on my life...
Well I haven't blogged for a bit, this is because I've been super busy with friends and school and just haven't had a whole lot to write about. But now because my summer plans are up in the air and there is only 4.5 weeks left of school, things have been speeding up lately.
Okay, the whole job situation, in St. Paul I applied to Ace Hardware on Grand and Davannis. The other option I have is to stay @ Luther over the summer and work on campus. Room & Board is only $5 if you work full-time, so that is a great deal. I applied with Dining, Custodial, and Facilities. The one I am hoping I get is Facilities because I would be able to spend time outside working on digging up turf and other things like that. But my friend Jenna who is also staying @ Luther over the summer and is working @ Dining services, so she wants me to work in the CAF with her. Which would be okay, because at least we'd have the same work schedule.
Okay, the whole job situation, in St. Paul I applied to Ace Hardware on Grand and Davannis. The other option I have is to stay @ Luther over the summer and work on campus. Room & Board is only $5 if you work full-time, so that is a great deal. I applied with Dining, Custodial, and Facilities. The one I am hoping I get is Facilities because I would be able to spend time outside working on digging up turf and other things like that. But my friend Jenna who is also staying @ Luther over the summer and is working @ Dining services, so she wants me to work in the CAF with her. Which would be okay, because at least we'd have the same work schedule.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Oops I forgot to mention a few things...
Oopsies, I forgot to mention that it apparently snowed here Saturday morning. I actually missed it because I slept late that day and it had all melted by the time I woke up. I also really want to see Slumdog Millionaire. Well now I really should get back to that latin homework.
P.S. I really need to meet with my advisor because I cannot tell what requirements apply to the class of 2011 (my class) and which apply to the current freshman (2012). The records that tell us what we have to accomplish and what we have already accomplished are quite confusing. Well I will get to that. Pay-day is coming up (April 15th) I am very excited.
P.S. I really need to meet with my advisor because I cannot tell what requirements apply to the class of 2011 (my class) and which apply to the current freshman (2012). The records that tell us what we have to accomplish and what we have already accomplished are quite confusing. Well I will get to that. Pay-day is coming up (April 15th) I am very excited.
Well is April, the month of Baseball, Rain, cold weather and snow?!?
Well today was Opening Day of the Major League Baseball Season 2009. There were many games on today, a few on ESPN (so I was able to watch them). Boston Red Sox and Chicago White Sox games both got cancelled because of rain and cold respectively. The Minnesota Twins played the opening game of their opening series and...lost 6-1 vs. the Seattle Mariners. Not the best way to start a season, but we will recover. Second game of the series on tomorrow night around 8. If your like me and not in the GREAT state of Minnesota, you will probably have to watch it like I do: through ESPN/MLB gameday. I must find a way to watch the games or at least listen to them out of state. If you know a way please contact me. I will be forever in debt.
Anyways today was a pretty good day. I got my "Room Draw" card and have a number of 322. This is a good number to get I believe, it is pretty low (lowest is better). Anyways my roommate got a 179, I knew he'd get a lower number than me because he is a music major so he has to take lots more classes than me (Classes that only count for 1 or 2 credits). Anyways you are supposed to average the numbers you get to see what order you will be able to pick your room for next year. Our number is 250. Pretty good if I do say so myself (I have not asked anyone else what their numbers are, so I have nothing to compare it to).
The plan is to live in Larsen Hall (bad picture, but its all I have). I found out that the only guys floor, at least according to the floor plan, is the third floor which is fine. But their are only about 5-10 double rooms. So hopefully we will get a room in Larsen, otherwise we could live in Miller Hall (heres the specs, becuz I couldn't find a picture, which I'm not suprised about Miller is ugly!). So thats basically my rooming plans for next year, I have not completely figured out what classes I am going to take next year. I did map out what I have to do to graduate and complete both my Political Science and Classics major as well as my History minor.
I am still jobless for the summer. I e-mailed the people who run Camp Minnehaha the place I have worked full time the last two summers. My brother recently got a job there so hopefully I will be able to work at least a little there. I really need to make money this summer because right now I am very broke. Well I am hoping that that will all work out. It would be devastating if I was unable to find a job anywhere and just had to sit around my parents house all summer.
Well it has been hard getting back into the 'swing' of things (homework and such), after my amazing spring break trip down to New Orleans and then Mississippi to do Habitat work. (My Blog Entry: My Return to the Gulf Coast) But in 4 days Easter Break is here! I am going home Thursday night, and then coming back sometime on Monday. I have lots to accomplish over those three-four days. I need new jeans (my old pair that I took on the Habitat Trip are all ripped up, and then the only pair I have left are way too tight) so my mom and I will probably go to Target to buy those. Then I am going to try to go to the Apple store to try to find out whats wrong with my iPod. It is freezing and not holding a charge. I think thats about it. It will be so nice to be able to see my Lexie (who is a cockapoo) and to eat my Mom's good home-cooked meals. Mmmmmm!
Well I should probably be doing my Latin HW right now, but luckily I did most of it (all but 10 lines) last night. I was very productive and probably should have just done it all, but I was tired and needed sleep. Well I think that is all I have. Oh I got a "B" on my New Nations, New Worlds paper from a while ago, that was a nice plus to a great day. Well talk to you later!
Anyways today was a pretty good day. I got my "Room Draw" card and have a number of 322. This is a good number to get I believe, it is pretty low (lowest is better). Anyways my roommate got a 179, I knew he'd get a lower number than me because he is a music major so he has to take lots more classes than me (Classes that only count for 1 or 2 credits). Anyways you are supposed to average the numbers you get to see what order you will be able to pick your room for next year. Our number is 250. Pretty good if I do say so myself (I have not asked anyone else what their numbers are, so I have nothing to compare it to).
The plan is to live in Larsen Hall (bad picture, but its all I have). I found out that the only guys floor, at least according to the floor plan, is the third floor which is fine. But their are only about 5-10 double rooms. So hopefully we will get a room in Larsen, otherwise we could live in Miller Hall (heres the specs, becuz I couldn't find a picture, which I'm not suprised about Miller is ugly!). So thats basically my rooming plans for next year, I have not completely figured out what classes I am going to take next year. I did map out what I have to do to graduate and complete both my Political Science and Classics major as well as my History minor.
I am still jobless for the summer. I e-mailed the people who run Camp Minnehaha the place I have worked full time the last two summers. My brother recently got a job there so hopefully I will be able to work at least a little there. I really need to make money this summer because right now I am very broke. Well I am hoping that that will all work out. It would be devastating if I was unable to find a job anywhere and just had to sit around my parents house all summer.
Well it has been hard getting back into the 'swing' of things (homework and such), after my amazing spring break trip down to New Orleans and then Mississippi to do Habitat work. (My Blog Entry: My Return to the Gulf Coast) But in 4 days Easter Break is here! I am going home Thursday night, and then coming back sometime on Monday. I have lots to accomplish over those three-four days. I need new jeans (my old pair that I took on the Habitat Trip are all ripped up, and then the only pair I have left are way too tight) so my mom and I will probably go to Target to buy those. Then I am going to try to go to the Apple store to try to find out whats wrong with my iPod. It is freezing and not holding a charge. I think thats about it. It will be so nice to be able to see my Lexie (who is a cockapoo) and to eat my Mom's good home-cooked meals. Mmmmmm!
Well I should probably be doing my Latin HW right now, but luckily I did most of it (all but 10 lines) last night. I was very productive and probably should have just done it all, but I was tired and needed sleep. Well I think that is all I have. Oh I got a "B" on my New Nations, New Worlds paper from a while ago, that was a nice plus to a great day. Well talk to you later!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Reflecting on the Habitat Trip in 2009
Last week I went on my second Habitat for Humanity trip down to Ocean Springs, Mississippi with our group from Luther. It was another great experience similar to the first one but also vastly different in many ways. For example when we got to New Orleans it was still interesting and exciting but a lot less so (this is illustrated by the fact that I only took about 12 pictures in New Orleans compared to about 60-70 last year.) Well I still had lots of fun and it was a good way to relax and enjoy our break from schoolwork.
When we got to Camp Victor, all the good memories I had made from last year came flooding back. The place just has a good vibe or something. You can almost sense that God is present here, with all the good that Camp Victor does for its community members. Anyways it felt good to be a "veteran" and to know where everything was even though Camp Victor had been changed around a bit. We were given a tour of its facilities and then got a chance to put our stuff away and make our beds.
Later that night we had a meeting where all the jobs available for that week were announced. I originally wanted to be on the roofing crew, but it was full so I went with a group headed by Dale (probably a good thing too, I would have gotten so burned up on that roof). I was the oldest student in this group and took charge of getting tools and talked with the other group members.
The next morning after a pretty good nights rest and a decent breakfast of biscuits and gravy, Ross, Eli, Jessica and I went into the tool storage room. Dale had been unsure of what tools we would actually need but we were told to get a few basic things such as hammers, a circular saw, a few crowbars, and a couple ladders.
When we got to the work site, we found out we would be tearing down rotting Fascia and Soffit board. I didn't have a lot of experience in tearing things down, but we all jumped on ladders and began ripping down the Fascia first and then the Soffit last. We accomplished this using a combination of hammers and crowbars/wonderbars(sp?), it was tough work because some were very stuck and stubborn.
The group I worked with really surprised me in their wiliness and as the week went on their skills in accomplishing tasks. They all did what they were told and even while working we were laughing and having a good time. I was the "veteran" and they were the "newbies" but I really learned a lot from them and it was fun getting to know them by working and talking with them.
I loved this years trip I think more than last year because of the new people that came on the trip, hanging out with them, talking with them, and working with them. I am definitely going again next year, and will be trying to recruit my friends or whoever will listen to come too. This is a great trip because you learn new skills, make lots of new friends, get to escape cold tempatures in Iowa, and you have fun everyday of the trip. Can't wait till next spring.
Sam "SMG" Gaylord
When we got to Camp Victor, all the good memories I had made from last year came flooding back. The place just has a good vibe or something. You can almost sense that God is present here, with all the good that Camp Victor does for its community members. Anyways it felt good to be a "veteran" and to know where everything was even though Camp Victor had been changed around a bit. We were given a tour of its facilities and then got a chance to put our stuff away and make our beds.
Later that night we had a meeting where all the jobs available for that week were announced. I originally wanted to be on the roofing crew, but it was full so I went with a group headed by Dale (probably a good thing too, I would have gotten so burned up on that roof). I was the oldest student in this group and took charge of getting tools and talked with the other group members.
The next morning after a pretty good nights rest and a decent breakfast of biscuits and gravy, Ross, Eli, Jessica and I went into the tool storage room. Dale had been unsure of what tools we would actually need but we were told to get a few basic things such as hammers, a circular saw, a few crowbars, and a couple ladders.
When we got to the work site, we found out we would be tearing down rotting Fascia and Soffit board. I didn't have a lot of experience in tearing things down, but we all jumped on ladders and began ripping down the Fascia first and then the Soffit last. We accomplished this using a combination of hammers and crowbars/wonderbars(sp?), it was tough work because some were very stuck and stubborn.
The group I worked with really surprised me in their wiliness and as the week went on their skills in accomplishing tasks. They all did what they were told and even while working we were laughing and having a good time. I was the "veteran" and they were the "newbies" but I really learned a lot from them and it was fun getting to know them by working and talking with them.
I loved this years trip I think more than last year because of the new people that came on the trip, hanging out with them, talking with them, and working with them. I am definitely going again next year, and will be trying to recruit my friends or whoever will listen to come too. This is a great trip because you learn new skills, make lots of new friends, get to escape cold tempatures in Iowa, and you have fun everyday of the trip. Can't wait till next spring.
Sam "SMG" Gaylord
Unless I magically stop time. My wouldn't that be nice...
I figured I would blog again now that I have plenty of time to waste. Well kinda, I could be doing my Latin homework right now, but I would so rather do this. Thats why my name is now as follows: Samuel Procrastination Gaylord.
I am sitting in Brunsdale at the moment enjoying a bowl of Ramen noodles. I would have liked to take a nap after my classes ended @ 2:30, but my roommate has a weekly phone session with someone and so I am unable to. I figured that this was a good thing because then I would be forced (well kind of) into going to Brunsdale and getting something done. Because if I leave my Latin homework till 11 at night, I will get very little sleep. Even though Latin class is a lot of work, I feel like it is making my ability to learn Latin increase by leaps and bounds. I feel like I am mastering the language more these days, much more than I ever did in Middle School or even High School. Of course I am actually trying now that it is my major and I am in college but it makes me feel good that I can easily conjugate basically any verb and am starting to be able to pick out if a verb is subjunctive or indicative mood.
The Final Countdown by Europe just came on randomly on my itunes. It is part of a playlist labeled "Adrenaline" for when I need to be pumped up lol.
Today my first class was New Nations, New Worlds which is basically America History but told from an Eastern or Indian perspective. It also is a more focused history of the time period in 3 specific regions, the Chesapeake, New England, and the West Indies (as well as the Carolinas). Anyways the professor is Tebbenhoff who is a very great prof, he said this today:
You know what I just realized?
I love college. People who tell you that it is the best time of your life are very right. You are on your own with people your own age, you date, party, study, do homework, and eat with your peers. You don't have any real requirements besides going to class and doing your homework. And if you are a male, you are surrounded by women. Haha. The ratio of women to men at Luther is 57% to 43%, which is better than the national average 58% to 42%. According to the Admissions FAQ from the website:
Heres our class profile: Class of 2011
I feel like I have come so far from when I was a High school senior @ Minnehaha Academy. College really does change your personality and forces you to grow up in both educational aspects, relationship wise, and in social aspects as well.
I love finding new music and new artists. Its great to expand your musical tastes and basically have every kind of genre of music in your iTunes library.
I recently filled out a form (which my dad suggested) to get more information from the US Navy Reserves. I think it would be very cool and prestigious to serve my country. Now don't worry I am not planning on fighting in any wars, because honestly that would be scary and I'm not quite the best candidate for combat. But I was thinking something like a Navy Intel Analyst
I definitely want a job doing something to help defend America from Terrorists and those who want to do us harm. I have wanted to for quite a while, I think being a defense analyst would be great and very interesting. I feel like I would enjoy going to work day after day because it would be so current and would change daily or at least weekly.
Well I should probably be doing my Latin homework now so I don't have to stay up super late again tonight. Especially because I am still sick and trying to recover from whatever "bug" I got in either Mississippi or Nawlins over break. I had to take Tylenol PM to fall asleep last night.
Okay just one more thing. In Latin 302 this semester we have been reading Roman plays, and right now we are reading a very long play called Pseudolus by Titus Maccius Plautus commonly known as Plautus who was a Roman playwright. His comedies are among the earliest surviving intact works in Latin literature(Source: Wikipedia). It has been very interesting but also has been A LOT of work. Our professor gives us lots of lines each night and the latin isn't exactly hard but it does take some time to get a good translation.
Alright time to do that Latin homework now.
I might write again later on tonight. I don't think I am going to watch Heroes tonight. I need to catch up and so will probably watch it sometime later this week. Same with the Office. Unless I magically stop time. My would that be nice...
I am sitting in Brunsdale at the moment enjoying a bowl of Ramen noodles. I would have liked to take a nap after my classes ended @ 2:30, but my roommate has a weekly phone session with someone and so I am unable to. I figured that this was a good thing because then I would be forced (well kind of) into going to Brunsdale and getting something done. Because if I leave my Latin homework till 11 at night, I will get very little sleep. Even though Latin class is a lot of work, I feel like it is making my ability to learn Latin increase by leaps and bounds. I feel like I am mastering the language more these days, much more than I ever did in Middle School or even High School. Of course I am actually trying now that it is my major and I am in college but it makes me feel good that I can easily conjugate basically any verb and am starting to be able to pick out if a verb is subjunctive or indicative mood.
The Final Countdown by Europe just came on randomly on my itunes. It is part of a playlist labeled "Adrenaline" for when I need to be pumped up lol.
Today my first class was New Nations, New Worlds which is basically America History but told from an Eastern or Indian perspective. It also is a more focused history of the time period in 3 specific regions, the Chesapeake, New England, and the West Indies (as well as the Carolinas). Anyways the professor is Tebbenhoff who is a very great prof, he said this today:
"Those are weasel words, what do you really think?"
You know what I just realized?
I love college. People who tell you that it is the best time of your life are very right. You are on your own with people your own age, you date, party, study, do homework, and eat with your peers. You don't have any real requirements besides going to class and doing your homework. And if you are a male, you are surrounded by women. Haha. The ratio of women to men at Luther is 57% to 43%, which is better than the national average 58% to 42%. According to the Admissions FAQ from the website:
Heres our class profile: Class of 2011
I feel like I have come so far from when I was a High school senior @ Minnehaha Academy. College really does change your personality and forces you to grow up in both educational aspects, relationship wise, and in social aspects as well.
I love finding new music and new artists. Its great to expand your musical tastes and basically have every kind of genre of music in your iTunes library.
I recently filled out a form (which my dad suggested) to get more information from the US Navy Reserves. I think it would be very cool and prestigious to serve my country. Now don't worry I am not planning on fighting in any wars, because honestly that would be scary and I'm not quite the best candidate for combat. But I was thinking something like a Navy Intel Analyst
I definitely want a job doing something to help defend America from Terrorists and those who want to do us harm. I have wanted to for quite a while, I think being a defense analyst would be great and very interesting. I feel like I would enjoy going to work day after day because it would be so current and would change daily or at least weekly.
Well I should probably be doing my Latin homework now so I don't have to stay up super late again tonight. Especially because I am still sick and trying to recover from whatever "bug" I got in either Mississippi or Nawlins over break. I had to take Tylenol PM to fall asleep last night.
Okay just one more thing. In Latin 302 this semester we have been reading Roman plays, and right now we are reading a very long play called Pseudolus by Titus Maccius Plautus commonly known as Plautus who was a Roman playwright. His comedies are among the earliest surviving intact works in Latin literature(Source: Wikipedia). It has been very interesting but also has been A LOT of work. Our professor gives us lots of lines each night and the latin isn't exactly hard but it does take some time to get a good translation.
Alright time to do that Latin homework now.
I might write again later on tonight. I don't think I am going to watch Heroes tonight. I need to catch up and so will probably watch it sometime later this week. Same with the Office. Unless I magically stop time. My would that be nice...
What is this thing you call winter?
The shock that I experienced when getting off the coach bus yesterday morning, was a drastic one. I was wearing shorts because I had been in Ocean Springs, Mississippi 18 hours earlier. I should have expected it but I was lazy and didn't have any of my clothes with me (because they were all in the bottom of the bus). So I basically speed walked to Miller and changed right when I got back in the room.
There definitely seems to be something going around in the Towers these days. We are no longer immune to the Lutheritis disease. Almost everyone I know has been (in the last 5 days) or still is sick. In my case I am mostly better with just a cough remaining, I believe that it is because I am either allergic to something down in Nawlins or Mississippi or it is because of the large difference in temperature my body has experienced lately. Oh well. I am trying lots of different medicines in order to try to heal my self. My roommate came down with strep yesterday, I really hope I don't have/get that. I just want to be better.
Okay enough bitching. I just finished my 6-page paper for New Worlds, New Nations. I got 4 pages done last night then slept (with the help of some Tylenol PM) and then got up around 10 AM this morning and just finished it up.
I am watching Sports Center at the moment. So why have I seen no MLB coverage? Did the MLB dissappear while I was gone? Pretty sure it still exists. I really hate how they cover all the stupid sports (football, golf (blah), nascar (double blah), and hockey)
I should probably go shower right now but I am blogging instead. I feel like I should be working on my writing skills constantly nowadays. I mean I only have two years left at Luther and then its a swift kick in the rear end towards the real world.
Heres a picture from New Orleans (we spent our first night and part of the day last Sunday there)
Our group in front of a Cathedral in the French Quarter
I'm the one in the blue if you don't know that already.
My NCAA bracket was pretty off. I had no idea two one seeds would be in the final four. Meh. Basketball sucks anyways. I can't wait to go to like 10-15 Twinkie games this summer and I definitely can't wait for the new Target stadium to open. YAY!
The new stadium is coming along quite nicely:
Target Field from Webcam #2
There definitely seems to be something going around in the Towers these days. We are no longer immune to the Lutheritis disease. Almost everyone I know has been (in the last 5 days) or still is sick. In my case I am mostly better with just a cough remaining, I believe that it is because I am either allergic to something down in Nawlins or Mississippi or it is because of the large difference in temperature my body has experienced lately. Oh well. I am trying lots of different medicines in order to try to heal my self. My roommate came down with strep yesterday, I really hope I don't have/get that. I just want to be better.
Okay enough bitching. I just finished my 6-page paper for New Worlds, New Nations. I got 4 pages done last night then slept (with the help of some Tylenol PM) and then got up around 10 AM this morning and just finished it up.
I am watching Sports Center at the moment. So why have I seen no MLB coverage? Did the MLB dissappear while I was gone? Pretty sure it still exists. I really hate how they cover all the stupid sports (football, golf (blah), nascar (double blah), and hockey)
I should probably go shower right now but I am blogging instead. I feel like I should be working on my writing skills constantly nowadays. I mean I only have two years left at Luther and then its a swift kick in the rear end towards the real world.
Heres a picture from New Orleans (we spent our first night and part of the day last Sunday there)

I'm the one in the blue if you don't know that already.
My NCAA bracket was pretty off. I had no idea two one seeds would be in the final four. Meh. Basketball sucks anyways. I can't wait to go to like 10-15 Twinkie games this summer and I definitely can't wait for the new Target stadium to open. YAY!
The new stadium is coming along quite nicely:
Target Field from Webcam #2

Sunday, March 29, 2009
My return to the Gulf Coast
Hi Y'all!
I just got back from spring break today around 9 am. I went on a Habitat for Humanity trip with my school Luther College. We had a group of 50-60 students and adults (both employees, retired teachers, and alumni). We took a big coach bus down on March 20th and drove to New Orleans. We arrived at about 3-4 pm and then spent the night. The group I was with cruised down Bourbon St. until we found a restaurant that looked good. We chose a seafood place that had a live band playing. The food was okay but surprisingly the fried shrimp I got were Minnesota sized (tiny). Then we continued looking around and enjoying the sites. In the morning I went with a small group of people and walked along the beautiful river walk. Around 2 pm we packed up again and got on the bus. It was a two hour drive to Ocean Springs, Mississippi from New Orleans, LA. We were able to see much of the damage that Katrina caused as we drove along the highways.
When we got to Camp Victor (the place we stayed at and the organization that organized where we worked and everything else.) around 3 or 4 pm we were first given a tour. It had changed quite a bit from the last time I saw it. It was no longer a distribution center for the community and had converted that space into an extended lounge for the volunteers. Then we were given our dorm assignment and dropped our stuff off and made our beds. We were given some free time and then it was time for dinner. Later that night at about 9:30 we met as a group and discussed the different jobs different groups were to do during the week. I went to a group that was doing both demolition and construction on eaves and Fascia board (basically the part of the house under the overhang of the roof.) It was with a great leader and ex-chem professor named Dale. I had worked with him last year too. We had three other students besides me and two adult leaders, Dale and an alumna named Carol.
The next day was Monday and the lights turn on throughout the camp @ 6AM (there are no roofs separating the different rooms in the camp.) We ate breakfast which I think was biscuits and gravy. It took awhile for all our group members to make themselves a sack lunch and then to gather up all the tools we would need for the job and put them into the vans we had rented. Around 9 to 9:30 we arrived at our work site and met Larry who was the homeowner we would be working for the whole week. He was quite a character and gave us a lot of interesting history lessons about his life and about the area. We began work by tearing down parts of the material that was under the overhang of the roof, the Soffit and the Fascia which had been damaged during hurricane Katrina and had begun to rot. We removed these materials with crowbars and hammers. The next day (Tuesday) we basically did exactly the same things we did on Monday. Except that after work I went to dinner with a big group of friends and shared a big seafood platter with a girl who was an expert in picking apart shrimp and crab. It was so delicious.
On Wednesday, we woke up @ 6 am again. Got to the worksite around 8 or 9 am. Today we would begin sawing and then replacing both the Soffit and Fascia board. I used a circular many times to cut and trim the boards so they would fit in the house. We then used caulk to get them to stick up there. We did this the remaining two days. But I was sick starting on Monday with a sore throat and a bad cough. I stuck it out and went to work Monday through Wednesday but then took a day off on Thursday and stayed at camp and slept for most of the day. This helped me immensly and I was able to go back to work on Friday. Both Thursday and Friday the weather was rather bad and it rained most of the day. The drainage systems in most homes in Mississippi as well as public areas is not very good, so Larry's yard and the road to go to the beach were flooded. This prevented us from working on parts of his house. Friday was our last day of work and when we finished it we took a picture with Larry and said goodbye. (I attached a picture, I hope you get it)
Friday night was quite relaxing, I went to dinner at a Sonic and then went to a grocery store and bought some cough drops to try to cure my still bad sounding cough (which I still have unfortunately). I then played a few board games until about 11 pm when a small group of us decided to walk to the beach (which was about a mile away). It was storming (lightning, thunder, and rain) when we got there and quickly got worse. The winds were around 20-30 mph, and I got some great pictures of both waves and the surrounding area. We decided to leave about a half an hour later because the storm was getting increasingly big. We were rained on, on our way back to camp. I then went to bed at about 12-12:30.
On Saturday we a free day until around 2 pm when we would be leaving to go back to Luther. I woke up around 9-9:30 and a group of us walked to a local donut shop. We then walked to the beach and the roads were severely flooded because of the large storm last night so we were unable to reach the beach (because I had tennis shoes on and couldn't wade through the water) so I decided to go back to camp and pack. I ate some lunch and then got right on the bus. We left around 2 pm. I sat next to the girl I previously mentioned (the one that was very good at picking apart seafood) It took us about 18 hours to drive back to Luther. I got a pretty good amount of sleep on the bus (which can be a difficult feat sometimes). Anyways now I am back at school, and am writing a paper about how the Native Americans benefitted from the Europeans trade networks and economic systems but by 1763 their economic system was destroyed by it. It is for my class New Worlds, New Nations. Well I better get back to it.
I just got back from spring break today around 9 am. I went on a Habitat for Humanity trip with my school Luther College. We had a group of 50-60 students and adults (both employees, retired teachers, and alumni). We took a big coach bus down on March 20th and drove to New Orleans. We arrived at about 3-4 pm and then spent the night. The group I was with cruised down Bourbon St. until we found a restaurant that looked good. We chose a seafood place that had a live band playing. The food was okay but surprisingly the fried shrimp I got were Minnesota sized (tiny). Then we continued looking around and enjoying the sites. In the morning I went with a small group of people and walked along the beautiful river walk. Around 2 pm we packed up again and got on the bus. It was a two hour drive to Ocean Springs, Mississippi from New Orleans, LA. We were able to see much of the damage that Katrina caused as we drove along the highways.
When we got to Camp Victor (the place we stayed at and the organization that organized where we worked and everything else.) around 3 or 4 pm we were first given a tour. It had changed quite a bit from the last time I saw it. It was no longer a distribution center for the community and had converted that space into an extended lounge for the volunteers. Then we were given our dorm assignment and dropped our stuff off and made our beds. We were given some free time and then it was time for dinner. Later that night at about 9:30 we met as a group and discussed the different jobs different groups were to do during the week. I went to a group that was doing both demolition and construction on eaves and Fascia board (basically the part of the house under the overhang of the roof.) It was with a great leader and ex-chem professor named Dale. I had worked with him last year too. We had three other students besides me and two adult leaders, Dale and an alumna named Carol.
The next day was Monday and the lights turn on throughout the camp @ 6AM (there are no roofs separating the different rooms in the camp.) We ate breakfast which I think was biscuits and gravy. It took awhile for all our group members to make themselves a sack lunch and then to gather up all the tools we would need for the job and put them into the vans we had rented. Around 9 to 9:30 we arrived at our work site and met Larry who was the homeowner we would be working for the whole week. He was quite a character and gave us a lot of interesting history lessons about his life and about the area. We began work by tearing down parts of the material that was under the overhang of the roof, the Soffit and the Fascia which had been damaged during hurricane Katrina and had begun to rot. We removed these materials with crowbars and hammers. The next day (Tuesday) we basically did exactly the same things we did on Monday. Except that after work I went to dinner with a big group of friends and shared a big seafood platter with a girl who was an expert in picking apart shrimp and crab. It was so delicious.
On Wednesday, we woke up @ 6 am again. Got to the worksite around 8 or 9 am. Today we would begin sawing and then replacing both the Soffit and Fascia board. I used a circular many times to cut and trim the boards so they would fit in the house. We then used caulk to get them to stick up there. We did this the remaining two days. But I was sick starting on Monday with a sore throat and a bad cough. I stuck it out and went to work Monday through Wednesday but then took a day off on Thursday and stayed at camp and slept for most of the day. This helped me immensly and I was able to go back to work on Friday. Both Thursday and Friday the weather was rather bad and it rained most of the day. The drainage systems in most homes in Mississippi as well as public areas is not very good, so Larry's yard and the road to go to the beach were flooded. This prevented us from working on parts of his house. Friday was our last day of work and when we finished it we took a picture with Larry and said goodbye. (I attached a picture, I hope you get it)
Friday night was quite relaxing, I went to dinner at a Sonic and then went to a grocery store and bought some cough drops to try to cure my still bad sounding cough (which I still have unfortunately). I then played a few board games until about 11 pm when a small group of us decided to walk to the beach (which was about a mile away). It was storming (lightning, thunder, and rain) when we got there and quickly got worse. The winds were around 20-30 mph, and I got some great pictures of both waves and the surrounding area. We decided to leave about a half an hour later because the storm was getting increasingly big. We were rained on, on our way back to camp. I then went to bed at about 12-12:30.
On Saturday we a free day until around 2 pm when we would be leaving to go back to Luther. I woke up around 9-9:30 and a group of us walked to a local donut shop. We then walked to the beach and the roads were severely flooded because of the large storm last night so we were unable to reach the beach (because I had tennis shoes on and couldn't wade through the water) so I decided to go back to camp and pack. I ate some lunch and then got right on the bus. We left around 2 pm. I sat next to the girl I previously mentioned (the one that was very good at picking apart seafood) It took us about 18 hours to drive back to Luther. I got a pretty good amount of sleep on the bus (which can be a difficult feat sometimes). Anyways now I am back at school, and am writing a paper about how the Native Americans benefitted from the Europeans trade networks and economic systems but by 1763 their economic system was destroyed by it. It is for my class New Worlds, New Nations. Well I better get back to it.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration, Dentist, Thawing Day, How could this day get any worse?
Following up on my post on Sunday (1/18), the Arizona Cardinals won 32-25 against the Philadelphia Eagles. The Pittsburgh Steelers won 23-14 vs. the Baltimore Ravens. So Arizona and Pittsburgh will be playing in the Super Bowl on February 1st, be there.
Anyways, I am watching the beginning of the television coverage of Obama's inauguration and it is quite boring so far. Just showing people standing around in the cold waiting for something to happen. The security around the White House is obviously very tight and the news reporters were saying that the line of people was about 10 blocks/or a mile long. Security officers at the door aren't allowing people to bring in backpacks (obviously) or umbrellas (a little less obvious). I hope the television coverage gets more exciting soon, because so far its just showing various celebs that are present at this ceremony. According to my dad Inauguration ceremonies are super boring and are "just a bunch of people speaking and a stupid parade".
In other news, last week when I went to the dentist (Dr. Maley), they discovered that I had one big cavity and four minor ones. So today I have an appointment around 2 to take care of those. I hope they use plenty of Novocaine because it will probably hurt otherwise. My dad has kind of been yelling at me for getting cavities and he has a point. I admit that I don't take the best care of my teeth, but ever since discovering I had 5 cavities, I have been brushing a lot, using mouthwash, and flossing (I feel kinda gross just starting flossing now, after 20 years lol).
Well today is supposed to be quite warm (in the 30's!, basically a heat wave).
10 AM
Obama and Bush just arrived @ the U.S. Capitol
Aretha Franklin will be performing.
Everybody at the Inauguration looks so cold. They are bundled up and obviously in layers.
I'm sitting here with Lex watching Fox 9 coverage of the Inauguration. Nice and warm.
10:14 am
George H.W Bush and Barbara Bush enter
(George H.W is limping around, he needs the support of his wife to get around, it looks like) (They look very frail, but very cordial)
Jimmy Carter and Rosaline Carter enter
(They both look very old)
Congressmen and their wives enter
10:15 am
Bill Clinton and Hillary enter
According to all the Facebook status's of my friends who are overseas, they are able to watch the Inauguration in their respective countries. Pretty cool that it is available worldwide. Has it been that way for previous inauguration events?
Previous Presidents are introduced and seated in chronological order:
H.W. Bush
W. Bush
10:26 am
Michelle, Malia, and Sasha are introduced.
Laura Bush and other women (don't know who they are) walking down the stairs and are introduced.
The crowd is chanting Obama's name. Moments away from swearing in Vice President Joe Biden and 30 minutes away from swearing in President Barack Obama.
10:35 am
President Bush is announced and walks to the stage
10:39 am
Joe Biden is announced accompanied by a few senators and coordinators.
President Elect Barack Hussein Obama (with others, coordinators and such) is announced and walks to the stage
Something I have noticed: They are sure emphasizing how this is a "Peaceful transition of power."
Okay now its time for the swearing-in of the Vice President and then the President. I'm signing off for now. Look for my comments later on.
Anyways, I am watching the beginning of the television coverage of Obama's inauguration and it is quite boring so far. Just showing people standing around in the cold waiting for something to happen. The security around the White House is obviously very tight and the news reporters were saying that the line of people was about 10 blocks/or a mile long. Security officers at the door aren't allowing people to bring in backpacks (obviously) or umbrellas (a little less obvious). I hope the television coverage gets more exciting soon, because so far its just showing various celebs that are present at this ceremony. According to my dad Inauguration ceremonies are super boring and are "just a bunch of people speaking and a stupid parade".
In other news, last week when I went to the dentist (Dr. Maley), they discovered that I had one big cavity and four minor ones. So today I have an appointment around 2 to take care of those. I hope they use plenty of Novocaine because it will probably hurt otherwise. My dad has kind of been yelling at me for getting cavities and he has a point. I admit that I don't take the best care of my teeth, but ever since discovering I had 5 cavities, I have been brushing a lot, using mouthwash, and flossing (I feel kinda gross just starting flossing now, after 20 years lol).
Well today is supposed to be quite warm (in the 30's!, basically a heat wave).
10 AM
Obama and Bush just arrived @ the U.S. Capitol
Aretha Franklin will be performing.
Everybody at the Inauguration looks so cold. They are bundled up and obviously in layers.
I'm sitting here with Lex watching Fox 9 coverage of the Inauguration. Nice and warm.
10:14 am
George H.W Bush and Barbara Bush enter
(George H.W is limping around, he needs the support of his wife to get around, it looks like) (They look very frail, but very cordial)
Jimmy Carter and Rosaline Carter enter
(They both look very old)
Congressmen and their wives enter
10:15 am
Bill Clinton and Hillary enter
According to all the Facebook status's of my friends who are overseas, they are able to watch the Inauguration in their respective countries. Pretty cool that it is available worldwide. Has it been that way for previous inauguration events?
Previous Presidents are introduced and seated in chronological order:
H.W. Bush
W. Bush
10:26 am
Michelle, Malia, and Sasha are introduced.
Laura Bush and other women (don't know who they are) walking down the stairs and are introduced.
The crowd is chanting Obama's name. Moments away from swearing in Vice President Joe Biden and 30 minutes away from swearing in President Barack Obama.
10:35 am
President Bush is announced and walks to the stage
10:39 am
Joe Biden is announced accompanied by a few senators and coordinators.
President Elect Barack Hussein Obama (with others, coordinators and such) is announced and walks to the stage
Something I have noticed: They are sure emphasizing how this is a "Peaceful transition of power."
Okay now its time for the swearing-in of the Vice President and then the President. I'm signing off for now. Look for my comments later on.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Obama, Obama, Obama...when will it end?

Today is Sunday January 18th 2009. The NFC and AFC Championship games are on TV today. The Philadelphia Eagles are playing the Arizona Cardinals and the Baltimore Ravens are playing the Pittsburgh steelers. I am rooting for the Arizona Cardinals and the Baltimore Ravens.
Anyways today I have heard Obama, Hope, Peace, and president-elect about 50 times already, @ church, all over TV (even on the NFL pregame show), and in the Sunday edition of the pioneer press. I know this is just the beginning, and we will hear a lot of Obama talk...which I'm not too excited about. But its a bit ridiculous to hear his name so often in just one day.
A comic in the Pioneer Press today:
Here's the actual comic:

Cow and Boy by Mark Leiknes
a little boy is sitting on a cow.
Little Boy: You feel that, cow?
LB: There's something in the air.
LB: A feeling I've not felt in a long time.
LB: One of hope and possibility.
LB: And yes, we've dug our hole deep and we've been in the dark for so long, but finally...
LB: It's the dawn of a new day.
Big, blinding flash of light.
Cow: My Retinas!
Obama Appears and the words "Obama Power" are in bold.
Haha this is funny because its so ridiculous.
I am watching the eagles vs. cardinals right now, the score is 24 to 6 Cardinals.
I am going to go get a few appetizers, so I will quit writing for now. I'll be back later.
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