Monday, March 30, 2009

Unless I magically stop time. My wouldn't that be nice...

I figured I would blog again now that I have plenty of time to waste. Well kinda, I could be doing my Latin homework right now, but I would so rather do this. Thats why my name is now as follows: Samuel Procrastination Gaylord.

I am sitting in Brunsdale at the moment enjoying a bowl of Ramen noodles. I would have liked to take a nap after my classes ended @ 2:30, but my roommate has a weekly phone session with someone and so I am unable to. I figured that this was a good thing because then I would be forced (well kind of) into going to Brunsdale and getting something done. Because if I leave my Latin homework till 11 at night, I will get very little sleep. Even though Latin class is a lot of work, I feel like it is making my ability to learn Latin increase by leaps and bounds. I feel like I am mastering the language more these days, much more than I ever did in Middle School or even High School. Of course I am actually trying now that it is my major and I am in college but it makes me feel good that I can easily conjugate basically any verb and am starting to be able to pick out if a verb is subjunctive or indicative mood.

The Final Countdown by Europe just came on randomly on my itunes. It is part of a playlist labeled "Adrenaline" for when I need to be pumped up lol.

Today my first class was New Nations, New Worlds which is basically America History but told from an Eastern or Indian perspective. It also is a more focused history of the time period in 3 specific regions, the Chesapeake, New England, and the West Indies (as well as the Carolinas). Anyways the professor is Tebbenhoff who is a very great prof, he said this today:

"Those are weasel words, what do you really think?"

You know what I just realized?

I love college. People who tell you that it is the best time of your life are very right. You are on your own with people your own age, you date, party, study, do homework, and eat with your peers. You don't have any real requirements besides going to class and doing your homework. And if you are a male, you are surrounded by women. Haha. The ratio of women to men at Luther is 57% to 43%, which is better than the national average 58% to 42%. According to the Admissions FAQ from the website:

Heres our class profile: Class of 2011

I feel like I have come so far from when I was a High school senior @ Minnehaha Academy. College really does change your personality and forces you to grow up in both educational aspects, relationship wise, and in social aspects as well.

I love finding new music and new artists. Its great to expand your musical tastes and basically have every kind of genre of music in your iTunes library.

I recently filled out a form (which my dad suggested) to get more information from the US Navy Reserves. I think it would be very cool and prestigious to serve my country. Now don't worry I am not planning on fighting in any wars, because honestly that would be scary and I'm not quite the best candidate for combat. But I was thinking something like a Navy Intel Analyst

I definitely want a job doing something to help defend America from Terrorists and those who want to do us harm. I have wanted to for quite a while, I think being a defense analyst would be great and very interesting. I feel like I would enjoy going to work day after day because it would be so current and would change daily or at least weekly.

Well I should probably be doing my Latin homework now so I don't have to stay up super late again tonight. Especially because I am still sick and trying to recover from whatever "bug" I got in either Mississippi or Nawlins over break. I had to take Tylenol PM to fall asleep last night.

Okay just one more thing. In Latin 302 this semester we have been reading Roman plays, and right now we are reading a very long play called Pseudolus by Titus Maccius Plautus commonly known as Plautus who was a Roman playwright. His comedies are among the earliest surviving intact works in Latin literature(Source: Wikipedia). It has been very interesting but also has been A LOT of work. Our professor gives us lots of lines each night and the latin isn't exactly hard but it does take some time to get a good translation.

Alright time to do that Latin homework now.

I might write again later on tonight. I don't think I am going to watch Heroes tonight. I need to catch up and so will probably watch it sometime later this week. Same with the Office. Unless I magically stop time. My would that be nice...

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