Monday, January 17, 2005

A few weeks ago a group of friends and I were enjoying another lunch at minnehaha academy. We were discussing star wars and then got talking about why Samuel L. Jackson had a purple lightsaber? Why did the only black man have to have a purple lightsaber?

A week later two friends (we'll call riley and charlie) and I were commenting on how charlie had an Ipod. Then Riley commented on how there were no black ipods. Then charlie said "Do you want me to pound you midget?" then Riley said "Oh so your being racist against midgets?"

By the way to all you public school losers, I have today and tomorrow off of school. Then starting Wednesday, I have finals college style so I only have to stay at school when I have finals to go to. Minnehaha is an okay school, theres lots of assholes and sluts there but there is a small population of the coolest kids there. So it doesnt balance it out but it makes school liveable.

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