Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Trippy Dreams and Home in 3 days!

Whoooo!!!! Fall Break starts this Friday. I am going home and am going to be home from Friday (20th) to Wednesday (24th). So I hope I can see most of my friends and I'm visiting MA on either Monday or Tuesday so that should be fun, visiting some teachers and causing some trouble. You know the usual. Anyways last night I had a very trippy dream, first I dreamed that i went down the four or five flights of the Brandt staircase and then walked outside into a bitch black night, I couldn't see anything and was panicing because i couldn't find my way back into brandt. Well i woke up after this and I fell right back asleep and started dreaming I was singing and some people said my singing sucked but others said my voice was great. then i woke up to my alarm, the luther radio station. Wow those were super wierd dreams I know.

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