This is the 15th day i have been in college at Luther. Today it has been raining since I woke up, and it still is raining although quite a bit less now. Today i woke to the sound of a fire alarm, and i had to rush to get dressed and then rush outside. After the R.A's said it was safe to go back inside, I plopped on the couch and began watching TV and checking facebook, and IMing. I watched the top ten best plays of Sunday on Sportscenter and then flipped to Discovery channel. An interesting show called How things are made was on. In this episode they were showing how toothpicks, guitars, helicopters, and beer were made. It was very interesting, but i had to leave halfway through the show because i had not showered yet and had Paideia at 12:15. It was near 11:15 when i stepped in the shower. When i returned to my dorm room, it was empty and the clock said it was 11:26. I had about 30 min before i had to head out towards Valders. I dressed in fairly warm clothes because it is pretty chilly outside. Some people might not think this is so great, but i just can't wait until fall comes around and the temperatures and the leaves drop. So it took me about 5 minutes to dress and then i sat on the couch watching TV until noon. Then I casually walked to Valders and went to room 106. There were already students inside the classroom when i arrived, which i was kind of suprised at. I like our professor a lot. His name is Oeyvind Gulliks, and he is from Norway and this year is a guest professor at Luther. We talked about ch 13-16 in the odyssey, and lots of students presented good points about the things that were going on in the book. Class ended early because the prof. said he couldnt stand his cold any longer and we were pretty much finished anyways. Well now im sitting in the lounge on the 2nd floor of Brandt. I should be reading but i am blogging instead, because i feel like writing. I like Brandt a lot and i am so glad that i chose it over Olsen or Ylvi because i have a nice room and it is just a overall nice building. It is also very central to Campus which is nice because none of my classes are very far away luckily. The farthest class for me is global politics in Loyalty Hall. This class has been tough to get to because it starts at 8 am. I have been tardy twice because i slept through my alarm. Hopefully i will solve this problem tomorrow and make it on time for once. I think i am beginning to get sick because i feel congested and i kind of feel like i might have a fever, maybe ill stop by health services and have some one check me out. I sure hope i dont get sick because that would be very boring and involve me sitting in my dorm all day until I feel better. Well I'll write more when i get the chance. bye for now.
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