Following up on my post on Sunday (1/18), the Arizona Cardinals won 32-25 against the Philadelphia Eagles. The Pittsburgh Steelers won 23-14 vs. the Baltimore Ravens. So Arizona and Pittsburgh will be playing in the Super Bowl on February 1st, be there.
Anyways, I am watching the beginning of the television coverage of Obama's inauguration and it is quite boring so far. Just showing people standing around in the cold waiting for something to happen. The security around the White House is obviously very tight and the news reporters were saying that the line of people was about 10 blocks/or a mile long. Security officers at the door aren't allowing people to bring in backpacks (obviously) or umbrellas (a little less obvious). I hope the television coverage gets more exciting soon, because so far its just showing various celebs that are present at this ceremony. According to my dad Inauguration ceremonies are super boring and are "just a bunch of people speaking and a stupid parade".
In other news, last week when I went to the dentist (Dr. Maley), they discovered that I had one big cavity and four minor ones. So today I have an appointment around 2 to take care of those. I hope they use plenty of Novocaine because it will probably hurt otherwise. My dad has kind of been yelling at me for getting cavities and he has a point. I admit that I don't take the best care of my teeth, but ever since discovering I had 5 cavities, I have been brushing a lot, using mouthwash, and flossing (I feel kinda gross just starting flossing now, after 20 years lol).
Well today is supposed to be quite warm (in the 30's!, basically a heat wave).
10 AM
Obama and Bush just arrived @ the U.S. Capitol
Aretha Franklin will be performing.
Everybody at the Inauguration looks so cold. They are bundled up and obviously in layers.
I'm sitting here with Lex watching Fox 9 coverage of the Inauguration. Nice and warm.
10:14 am
George H.W Bush and Barbara Bush enter
(George H.W is limping around, he needs the support of his wife to get around, it looks like) (They look very frail, but very cordial)
Jimmy Carter and Rosaline Carter enter
(They both look very old)
Congressmen and their wives enter
10:15 am
Bill Clinton and Hillary enter
According to all the Facebook status's of my friends who are overseas, they are able to watch the Inauguration in their respective countries. Pretty cool that it is available worldwide. Has it been that way for previous inauguration events?
Previous Presidents are introduced and seated in chronological order:
H.W. Bush
W. Bush
10:26 am
Michelle, Malia, and Sasha are introduced.
Laura Bush and other women (don't know who they are) walking down the stairs and are introduced.
The crowd is chanting Obama's name. Moments away from swearing in Vice President Joe Biden and 30 minutes away from swearing in President Barack Obama.
10:35 am
President Bush is announced and walks to the stage
10:39 am
Joe Biden is announced accompanied by a few senators and coordinators.
President Elect Barack Hussein Obama (with others, coordinators and such) is announced and walks to the stage
Something I have noticed: They are sure emphasizing how this is a "Peaceful transition of power."
Okay now its time for the swearing-in of the Vice President and then the President. I'm signing off for now. Look for my comments later on.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Obama, Obama, Obama...when will it end?

Today is Sunday January 18th 2009. The NFC and AFC Championship games are on TV today. The Philadelphia Eagles are playing the Arizona Cardinals and the Baltimore Ravens are playing the Pittsburgh steelers. I am rooting for the Arizona Cardinals and the Baltimore Ravens.
Anyways today I have heard Obama, Hope, Peace, and president-elect about 50 times already, @ church, all over TV (even on the NFL pregame show), and in the Sunday edition of the pioneer press. I know this is just the beginning, and we will hear a lot of Obama talk...which I'm not too excited about. But its a bit ridiculous to hear his name so often in just one day.
A comic in the Pioneer Press today:
Here's the actual comic:

Cow and Boy by Mark Leiknes
a little boy is sitting on a cow.
Little Boy: You feel that, cow?
LB: There's something in the air.
LB: A feeling I've not felt in a long time.
LB: One of hope and possibility.
LB: And yes, we've dug our hole deep and we've been in the dark for so long, but finally...
LB: It's the dawn of a new day.
Big, blinding flash of light.
Cow: My Retinas!
Obama Appears and the words "Obama Power" are in bold.
Haha this is funny because its so ridiculous.
I am watching the eagles vs. cardinals right now, the score is 24 to 6 Cardinals.
I am going to go get a few appetizers, so I will quit writing for now. I'll be back later.
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