Well well! I am finally writing in here again. Phew well this has been a busy week, two finals and a take home test which all require a lot of studying and writing. Luckily this semester is almost over. It will be over in a little bit less than 24 hours. Phew. Tomorrow my roommate, Ingrid, and I will be driving back to the Twin Cities for X-MAS FRICKING BREAK!!!! And then I don't come back until February because I'm not taking a J-term class @ Luther. So will have about a month to relax, hang out with Mae and of course the fam. I am hoping that Mae and I will have the chance to go to lots of concerts and hopefully be together on NYE! Because that would be BEA-utiful!
This is totally random but...Last night I learned something interesting, that sometimes girls don't show any signs of liking you but they do actually like you. Wierdness.
Haha it is funny because people around here (@ Luther) really don't have any hesitations to drink on a weekday (no matter what day it is) and of course drink lots and lots of the weekends. I am not completely immune from this, I'll admit. It is kind of wierd to think about though, Because drinking on the weekdays when you have class the next day is not creating a beneficial learning environment for yourself. I wonder if our parents drank on weekdays or just weekends? Is this a new phenomena? Are we just more and more okay with drinking during the week, killing brain cells when we should be utilizing them?
Music is really a great relaxer and personal therapist. It is amazing how true that really is. I mean I can be totally stressed about something and then turn on some music (usually the Beatles) and most of the time I will feel at least somewhat better. I just hope that music doesn't degrade anymore into shitty techno songs and rappers rapping about their bitches and hoes. Lol. Thats another thing...our parents listen to the music that they grew up with...so if we follow that tradition, will we be listening to Luda, 50 cent, Chingy, and Eminem? because if we do that will be just too crazy for words. And what will our kids be listening to? Has/Will music ever stop evolving? Will new genres continue to emerge? I think that music will still constantly be changing and so it is almost impossible to predict what our kids and future generations will be jamming to...
Alright I better get back to these Bible papers I am supposed to be writing right now.
Listening to: Barbie Girl - Aqua (reminds me of 4th or 5th grade :) )